How to File a Hit and Run Insurance Claim

By September 7, 2017AUTO INSURANCE

You work hard for your money and purchasing a vehicle sometimes takes up a big part of your income. Protecting that investment is important. When someone damages your car, you expect them to be responsible and be held accountable, but that doesn’t always happen. Fortunately, hit and run insurance claims are easy to make if you follow these steps.

Accidents do not have to happen on a public roadway to qualify as a hit and run. There are many types of accidents that fall into this category and all have serious consequences for the person that causes damage and attempts to avoid taking responsibility. Yes, it’s frustrating if you are the victim of this type of incident, but your best shot at recovery is filing a hit and run insurance claim.

Check and Respond to Injuries First

When involved in an accident of any type the first thing to do is make sure everyone involved is physically okay before starting to decide who is to blame. Check every passenger and any pedestrians or other motorists who could have been injured in the crash. Alert emergency services immediately if anyone requires advanced medical care.

Contact the Local Police Department

Many drivers will attempt to negotiate a settlement after an accident without involving law enforcement. Sometimes this works. But, if either party gives false information, or is less than truthful about the circumstances of the collision, the agreement made on the side of the road falls apart quickly.

Always notify your local law enforcement agency immediately after sustaining damage to your vehicle. Even if the damage occurred while you were away from the car. If an officer is unavailable to take a report at the scene, you will be given instructions as to how to complete a report at the nearest station.

Document Everything

Always document everything that you can when preparing to file a hit and run insurance claim. This includes the make and model of the car that hit you, the time, date, and location of the incident, and any pictures you were able to take of the damage done to your vehicle and the road conditions at the time of the accident. If you find a witness, include their information in the packet you submit to your insurance agent.

Make a Hit and Run Insurance Claim With Your Carrier

Always contact your insurance carrier when involved in an accident or when your vehicle sustains damage. Your agent will know immediately what type of insurance you have and if your claim will be covered. Insurance agents are experts in this area and you are paying one to negotiate on your behalf. Why go it alone? Your results will be much better when getting your carrier involved.

Calling your agent is how you initiate your hit and run insurance claim. The more information your agent has to work with, the faster your claim can be processed. Remain calm and provide whatever facts the agent requests. Often, an adjuster will contact you to clarify details or schedule a time to see your vehicle in person. Don’t worry. This is part of the process.

If you are the victim of vehicle damage and no one steps forward to claim responsibility, it can leave you in a bind. That is when you need to know how to file a hit and run insurance claim. Accidents are why we carry automobile insurance. It’s there for this exact reason. So, if your vehicle sustains damage, don’t panic.Follow these steps, and you will be on your way to a quick and easy resolution.

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