Car insurance rates for teen drivers are higher than for other drivers, but there are easy ways to save. If you have a teenager, you can take some of these steps now. Or, if you have a son or daughter who might be a teen driver soon, you can implement these steps early and save even more money.
- Grades: Many insurance providers offer discounts for good grades. The theory is that if a teenager has at least a B average in school, then the teenager will be a safer, more responsible driver. Insurance providers consider responsibility in studies to be an indicator of responsibility in driving.
- Driver's Education: Take driver's education before you start driving. Even if driver's education isn't required in high school or even offered, find a company that does offer the training. Teens who take driver's education gain more skills and are less of a risk for insurance companies. That may result in lower insurance premiums.
- Driving Course: After completing a driver's education course and getting a license, take another driving course. Many insurance providers see this is a sign of responsibility, which translates to less of a risk. Many insurance providers will give an additional discount for a second driving course.
- First Car: Avoid purchasing a fancy car as a first car. Ask your insurance provider which cars have the lowest premiums, and purchase one of those as a first car.
- Deductible: Select a higher deductible. Save the money needed for the deductible and put it in the bank. Then save on premiums.
Just because you have a teen driver or are a teen driver, you don't have to break the bank. Use one or all of these five ways to save. As you age and prove you are a safe driver, your insurance premiums may decrease.
Learn more about saving today. Call Hotwire Insurance Services at (858) 277-2719 for more information on San Diego auto insurance.