This article should form compulsory reading from a supplemental maternity insurance viewpoint. It embraces all the medical challenges surrounding family planning issues, not least of them being insurance options for parents expecting a first or additional family member.
Since there is no pregnancy-only insurance option, it follows that families need to investigate the cover options available that may extend to pregnancy. For example, perhaps you could benefit from hospital indemnity or disability policies. Please join us further and find out more.
Supplemental Maternity Insurance
We term it “supplemental maternity insurance” simply because pregnancy-only policy options do not exist. However, all Medicaid and Medical Health Insurance and Marketplace plans cover pregnancy and childbirth. This holds true even if pregnancy begins before coverage is in place. Good news indeed, particularly when seeking supplemental maternity insurance in the pregnancy 101 window.
Health Insurance Essentials from Hotwire
– Maternity and newborn care
– Rehabilitative and “habilitative” services
– Pediatric services including dental and vision care
– Services for mental health disorders and substance abuse
– Ambulatory services emergency services
– Prescription drugs
– Disease screening
– Hospitalization
– Lab tests
It’s Never Too Late
Having a baby qualifies you for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Even after you have your baby, you can enroll in or change Marketplace coverage even if it is outside the Open Enrollment Period. When you enroll in the new plan, your coverage can be effective from the arrival of your new family member.
Understanding Special Enrollment Periods
If Marketplace coverage is in place when your baby is born, you have two options available:
– You can change to a different Marketplace plan, or…
– Keep your current plan and add your child to your coverage
Don’t do it Alone, Find a Health Insurance Broker
Healthcare is undoubtedly one of the most complex segments in the insurance world, as the current impasse regarding Obamacare informs us. Hotwire Insurance Services will help you navigate through the many types of health insurance policies and help you find the one that is best suited for you and your family.
The health sector is a potential minefield even for the most informed of us. Often, a little knowledge can be dangerous and can lead down a path you may regret taking. Even though Americans need to maintain minimum essential coverage or face a tax penalty if they do not qualify for an exemption, opting not to have health insurance is Russian roulette zone.
Medical costs can mount quickly, especially when surgery or lengthy treatment is required. Without proper coverage, you could end up losing everything you have, or not be able to receive proper care.
Don’t be Left Short
When it comes to supplemental maternity insurance the message is clear; taking shortcuts with any insurance product can carry you out to deep water. Plan your insurance needs carefully and make sure that you have cover in all eventualities. Leaving even one scenario out of your planning opens the door to Murphy’s Law and you really don’t want that!